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FastRemover™ for Phospholipid
The FastRemover™ for Phospholipid 96-well plate delivers rapid and effective removal of proteins and phospholipids in plasma and serum samples without sacrificing the recovery of target analytes.
- Simple and easy protocol to remove proteins and phospholipids.
- High sensitivity analysis is unaffected by contamination from plasticizers or other impurities found in other 96-well plates.
- Removes micro-particle contaminants enabling injection to LC/MS/MS directly from collection plate.
- Removes more than 90 percent of phospholipids eliminating ion suppression.
- Extends HPLC/UHPLC column lifetime by removing proteins and phospholipids that can damage columns.
Phospholipid Removal
The presence of phospholipids in plasma or serum samples is a concern in LC/MS-(MS) analysis. Phospholipids can build up on MS systems and bleed from HPLC/UHPLC columns causing ion suppression and shifts in retention time and peak shape necessitating time consuming column and system maintenance. FastRemover™ for Phospholipid 96-well plate eliminates these effects and extends the life of HPLC/UHPLC columns while delivering more predictable and accurate mass spectrometry results.
Extends Column Life
Over the course of multiple injections phospholipids can build up and lead to reduced column life and increased column back pressure, as well as decreased column sensitivity and efficiency. FastRemover™ for Phospholipid efficiently removes phospholipids, proteins, and micro-particles.
Industry Leading High Recovery for Bioanalysis
The FastRemover™ for Phospholipid 96-well plate delivers rapid and effective removal of proteins and phospholipids in plasma and serum samples without sacrificing the recovery of target analytes.
FastRemover™ for Phospholipid
FastRemover for Phospholipid Instruction Manual
Removal of phospholipids using phosphate-selective sorbent