Filters Result
- Column
- Phase
- Particle Size / Film Th.
- ID
- 0.05 mm (25)
- 0.075 mm (23)
- 0.075 mm (1)
- 0.1 mm (24)
- 0.2 mm (24)
- 0.3 mm (20)
- 0.5 mm (20)
- 0.7 mm (20)
- 1.0 mm (91)
- 1.5 mm (115)
- 1.9 mm (17)
- 2.1 mm (164)
- 3.0 mm (197)
- 3.9 mm (1)
- 4.0 mm (8)
- 4.0 mm (137)
- 4.6 mm (146)
- 6.0 mm (30)
- 7.6 mm (35)
- 10 mm (31)
- 14 mm (30)
- 20 mm (30)
- 4.0 mm (1)
- 3.0 mm (1)
- 4.6 mm (7)
- Length
GL Sciences developed new Silica gel “Evolved Surface Silica” for InertSustain Series which provides both high inertness and high durability. Inert-and-sustainable InertSustain Series HPLC columns are the latest models of GL Sciences and are recommended as the first choice for various purpose.
Item No. IN5020-89006
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 250 x 2.1mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89008
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 30 x 3.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89009
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 50 x 3.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89010
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 75 x 3.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89011
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 100 x 3.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89012
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 150 x 3.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89013
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 250 x 3.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89015
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 30 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89016
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 50 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89017
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 75 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89018
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 100 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89019
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 150 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89020
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 250 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89022
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 30 x 4.6mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89023
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 50 x 4.6mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89024
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 75 x 4.6mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89025
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 100 x 4.6mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89026
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 150 x 4.6mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89027
InertSustain PhenylHexyl 250 x 4.6mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89029
InertSustain PhenylHexyl Guard Cartridge 50 x 4.6mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89030
InertSustain PhenylHexyl Guard Cartridge 50 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89031
InertSustain PhenylHexyl Guard Cartridge 50 x 3.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89032
InertSustain PhenylHexyl Guard Cartridge 50 x 2.1mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89033
InertSustain PhenylHexyl Guard Cartridge 10 x 4.0mm, 5µm
Item No. IN5020-89034
InertSustain PhenylHexyl Guard Cartridge 33 x 4.6mm, 5µm