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NSI Solutions
NSI Solutions was founded in 1982 to operate reference materials program for the USEPA, and today, they continue to manufacture and certify reference materials, reagents and proficiency testing samples for applications ranging from classical water chemistry and microbiology to solid and hazardous waste analysis.
- - Custom Solutions (Organic and Inorganic)
- - Extraction Spiking Solutions for Environmental Analyses (Snip™)*
- - Spiking Solutions for Environmental Analyses
- - 8000 Series Method Standards
- - 500 Series Method Standards
- - 600 Series Method Standards
- - Underground Storage Tank Monitoring Standards
- - Inorganic and Microbiological Standards for Environmental Testing
Custom Solutions are available in standard amber ampoules and can be purchased individually or in batches. Minimum order for custom mixes is 5 x 1mL. For custom solutions, please contact your local sales representative.
ISO/IEC 17043:2010 Accredited Proficiency Testing Provider
ISO Guide 34:2009 Accredited Reference Material Producer
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited Laboratory - Chemical Testing
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System
Organic, Inorganic, and Microbiological Reference Materials & CRMs
Custom Solution Request Form
Spiking Standards for Semi-Volatiles
Certified Reference Materials for TSS,
TDS, and TS in Water
Certified Reference Materials for BOD Analysis
CRMs for Semi-Volatile Analysis by GC/MS
Microbiology Proficiency Testing for Drinking Water Laboratories
Microbiology Proficiency Testing for Wastewater Laboratories
Reference Materials For Residual and Free Chlorine Analysis In Single Use Teflon® Snips
Certified Reference Materials for Microbiological Analysis of Water and Wastewater
Item No. NS-UST-503
TNRCC 1006 Retention Time Std 1.5 mL,500 ug/mL in n-Pentane
Item No. NS-UST-505
SAE 40W Motor Oil Std 1.5 mL,20 mg/mL in CH2Cl2
Item No. NS-UST-506
10W30 Oil 1.5 mL,5000 ug/mL in CH2Cl2
Item No. NS-UST-507
Mineral Spirits 1.5 mL,20 mg/mL in Methanol
Item No. NS-UST-510
Hydraulic Oil 1.5 mL,20,000 ug/mL in CH2Cl2
Item No. NS-UST-705
DRO/GRO Calibration Std (AZ) 1.5 mL,2000 ug/mL in CH2Cl2
Item No. NS-UST-715
Oxygenates Mix (CA) 1.5 mL,Spec. Conc. in PT Methanol
Item No. NS-UST-720
Glycols Mix 1.5 mL,50,000 ug/mL in DI Water
Item No. NS-UST-735
Connecticut ETPH Std 1.5 mL,2000 ug/mL in CH2Cl2/CS2 (60:40)
Item No. NS-UST-740
MA VPH Std w/Surrogate-Rev 1.1 1.5 mL,10,000 ug/mL in PT Me
Item No. NS-UST-740L
MA VPH Std w/Surrogate-Rev 1.1 1.5 mL,50 ug/mL in PT Methan
Item No. NS-UST-785
MA Fractionation Surrogate Spike Mix 1.5 mL,4000 ug/mL in He
Item No. NS-UST-800
NJDEP EPH Aliphatics Std 1.5 mL,2000 ug/mL in Hexane/CS (4:1
Item No. NS-UST-805
NJDEP EPH Aromatics Std 1.5 mL,2000 ug/mL in Hexane/CS (4:1)
Item No. NS-UST-810
NJDEP EPH Aliphatics Mtrx Spike 25mL,200 ug/mL in Pentane
Item No. NS-UST-815
NJDEP EPH Aromatics Mtrx Spike 25 mL,200 ug/mL in Acetone
Item No. NS-UST-820
NJDEP EPH Aliphatics Fraction 25 mL,400 ug/mL in Hexane
Item No. NS-UST-825
NJDEP EPH Aromatics Fraction 25 mL,400 ug/mL in Hexane/Tolue
Item No. NS-UST-845
WA EPH Aromatic Hydrocarbon 1.5 mL,1000 ug/mL in CH2Cl2
Item No. NS-UST-960
10W30 Motor Oil 1.5 mL,5000 ug/mL in CH2Cl2
Item No. NS-UST-965
10W30 Motor Oil 1.5 mL,50,000 ug/mL in CH2Cl2
Item No. NS-UST-995
Unleaded Gas Composite 1.5 mL,2500 ug/mL in PT Methanol
Item No. NS-WL-408-10
TCL BNA LCS Spike, 100µg/mL in Methanol /10mL
Item No. NS-WL-408-10X
TCL BNA LCS Spike, no Benzidine/3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine /10mL