Item No. NS-FB-PST8

Food Analysis Multi-Pesticide Mixes, Pesticide Mix 8

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1.5mL (1)



A 26 analyte standard of the following at 100ug/mL each ( except where noted)in pesticide grade acetone: carbofuran, crufomate, Heptenofos, Imazalil(200ug/mL), Isazaphos, isoporpalin, leptophos, linuron (200ug/mL), metazachlor, methoprotryne, metobromuron, monolinuron, myclobutanil, nitralin (200ug/mL), nitrpyrin, nitrothal isopropyl, norflurazon, nuarimol, oxadixyl, oxadiazon, oxamyl, oxycarboxin(200ug/mL), oxychlordane(200ug/mL), oxyfluorfen, methiocarb sulfone, methiocarb sulfoxide. 1.5mL per ampule.
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