A 28 component standard of the following at 100ug/mL each (except as noted) in pesticide grade acetone: aldicarb, carbofuran, diazinon-O, dimethoate, dioxathion (200ug/mL), diphenylamine, disulfoton, endosulfan I, endosulfan II, endosulfan sulfate, endrin, EPN, EPTC, ethalfluralin, ethion, fenchlorfos, fenitrothion, fenthion, fenvalerate (200ug/mL), folpet (200ug/mL), fonofos, hexachlorobenzene, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, hexazinone, iodofenphos, oxamyl, phorate sulfone. 1.5mL per ampule.